Staker Benefits

The benefits of ASN Stakers? Here is a quick overview.



1000+ ASN

0.4% of all profits for the week.


10.000+ ASN

0.25% of all profits for the week.


50.000+ ASN

0.2% of all profits for the week.


100.000+ ASN

0.15% of all profits for the week.

Every week we will give away 1% of all ApStation profits to all our stakers token. Example distribution: The percentage allocated to each category will be divided amongst the holders. Let's say the profit was $100. Let there be 50 Elementary and they will share 0.5% of the profit ($50), i.e. each will receive $1. And a total of 3 Proficiency holders will share 0.15% (15$), each person will receive 5$.

Last updated